Thank you for visiting our web site.We encourage you to contact us if you would like more information
or are interesed in becoming a part of our group.
Or send us an e-mail.
Va multumim pentru ca ne-ati vizitat site-ul si va mai asteptam.
Pentru orice (opinii,sugestii,intrebari...) CLICK AICI
My name is John Ross and I am the manager of We sell top Quality
swimming goggles designed and perfected by Moolbora .Moolbora eyewear is outstanding value and are available only from limited
sources in New Zealand. Currently many competitive swimmers are wearing them in New Zealand. Now they can be brought on
secured online shopping on our website HYPERLINK "" and for the month of October we are offering 30% off all goggles and caps. This offer is only available
to New Zealand swimming clubs .To redeem this offer just use the coupon voucher number b35f48 .Just use this number
when making the payment online . Our company would be happy to discuss team discounts as well for clubs .Also I would
be grateful if this email could be passed on to the club members or mentioned in a club Newsletter. I hope that we can
be of service to swimmers from your club and please feel free to contact me for any further information.
comment: hello my name is yiannis and i am a swimming trainer from a team in greece.i search
competitions about in the spring time or camps in your country.i prefer something near in bucharest cause it is easier for
us to come there. can you please help me thank you very much yiannis kapadoukakis
I am writing to ask if you would like to bring a team to our Meeting being held on 9+10 June
in Loulé, Portugal.
The Meeting will feature some of the best swimmers from Portugal, Spain as well as Lars Conrad,
Stev Theloke, Martina Moravcova, James Gibson and Jani Sievinen.
Details of The Meeting are available on the official website at
Multumim mult pentru urari.Site-ul nostru este unul gratuit ,deci nu poate fi construit decat
in anumiti parametri,nu poate fi asa cum am dori noi.Ne multumim cu ce avem.Speram sa mai reveniti.
Mi-a placut mult pagina voastra. Mult succes saptamana viitoare . Gheorghe Mircea.Constanta
-16 iunie 2005 Contact : mobil : 0722-787351
comment: bravo mai baieti...super cool site:)...cel mai mult imi plac bilutele alea care se
tin dupa sageata:))....tineti-o tot pup:))))))
Va multumesc foarte mult pentru amabilitate, a fost o nemaipomenita surpriza! Sa ne auzim
cu bine! A.Horatschek
----- Original Message ----- From: admin. To: arthur Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005
8:46 PM Subject: Re: prof.Badescu
Este, intradevar ,fostul dumneavoastra coleg si a fost foarte bucuros ca a fost
recunoscut.I-am transmis un exemplar imprimat din mesajul dumneavoastra,si a spus ca o sa va contacteze
.Cu stima. Admin.
Doream sa aflu daca este vorba de domnul Badescu, fost coleg de echipa
la clubul scolar sportiv, sectia pentatlon modern, prin anii '84-'86. Daca puteti,
va rog sa-i transmiteti multe salutari de la Arthur. Incerc sa iau legatura cu dinsul dupa mai bine de 20 de ani.
Va multumesc si numai bine!
Arthur Horatschek
----- Original Message ----- From:admin. To: arthur
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 5:32 PM Subject: Re: prof.Badescu
Multumesc pentru foto .Cred ca nu a fost facuta la data de pe ea.Daca doriti sa mai faceti si alte comentarii asteptam.Daca
sunteti de acord sa o postam pe site va rugam reveniti.Va multumesc si va astept.
Ultimile mesaje sosite sunt pozitionate in susul paginii.